Here's a question then... if after 22 years, the passion gives way to cynicism, how can today's young people make the best use of that passion now while they have it?
Good question! Firstly keep away from leaders who do not share it. Secondly, find a balance between their youthful silliness verses the energy to take actions without prejudice by seeking mature role models who can model the correct attitude for them. Not to mention WWJD of course. Thirdly, live holy and avoid beating themselves up when they fall. Marrying at the age of 17 may help, being realistic and keeping their eye's fixed on their heavenly calling is an alternative. Not to mention WWJD of course. Fourthly, believe in better and don’t be afraid to take on the adult world and attempt to elicit change. (Get your facts right though and don't be a prat.) reminding the adults about the pension deficit and the fact that you will be paying for their NHS wheelchairs and dentures may help them to listen to you.
Somewhere in there, some of those young people are prophets. How do we find and listen to them?
I'm sure many of them have the potential - you only have to read some of the comments on an orison wall to spot it. The key word is 'empowerment' - letting them see that they CAN do something about it. How about a young people's Dragon's Den for charities. Young people with prophetic vision who want to see something changed in their area or even within their sight, pitch to experienced facilitators with the best being given a grant of (very few strings attached) cash along with arm's length management input to see if it can be made to work.
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